
Technology and multichannel interactive communication

We need to change our mind set from campaign management to interaction management. Consumers and clients interact with brands using a number of communication tools – email, mobile, Twitter, Facebook only to mention some. Therefore has dashboards and automated features become a pre requisite for multichannel interactive marketing.

A study conducted by eConsultancy reveal that 98 % of all marketers use at least three channels to deliver multichannel messages to their customers, but more than half still store the data they gather from each channel in separate, siloed locations. In the same study, only 35 % collect data from different sources and store in a single database. 71 % cited maintaining high-quality data as a major challenge. Why?

Because the tools that promised to be the best solutions are insufficient. They often are too formulaic or static and fail to make us truly understand and engage in specific type of customers. The answer lies in finding a tool that allows us to not only analyze the conversation about the brand, but also react – in real time. Every customer record, every text sent, every Twitter conversation we engage in should form an integrated, comprehensive view of the customer allowing you to create more accurate, meaningful relationship with the client.

No matter what channel we use to engage the customer, each and every interaction we have with them is highly influential to the way the client will ultimately view your brand.

At Exact Target they love software, check them out if you need to unsilo and link customer profiles through cross-channels.

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